Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Go Falcons!

So today I have officially fit into 2 pairs of old jeans :-) They are the only pairs I have that are not hip huggers. During my pregnancy Brandon kept saying, "Your hips are getting wider." I never believed him until I tried to put on an old pair of jeans...NOT happening! So, I was happy that at least I don't have to wear maternity jeans...while I attempt to shed about 7 lbs. I finally feel like cooking again. It always seemed Eli wanted to eat or be held at the time I usually start cooking, so I've been making easy things like stir fry, spaghetti, etc. Finally I planned out a weeks worth of meals and am ready to go! I think it's the only way I'm going to get it done is to plan ahead! I was laughing the other day because Friends University (where I graduated last May) sent me a bib to congratulate us on our new arrival...along with a brochure on scholarships for children of alumni. You've GOT TO BE KIDDING ME! The poor kid isn't even 6 weeks old and he's already being hounded :-) There is one thing I'm sure of though; I'm positive that he'd much rather be a Friends Falcon than a Purdue Boilermaker (considering most people don't even know that the heck that're probably going to look it up right now)!!!

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