Sunday, August 30, 2009

Wedding Bliss...

We had a great time at our friend's wedding last night. We sang, and then got to enjoy a wonderful reception with all of our friends. We decided that Skye has the record for the most flower girls. Twelve to be exact. Her baby sister even walked down the aisle holding her brother's hand. It was so cute! Eli was GREAT for my cousins. He did cry when as I was leaving, but the second I was gone he was fine and had a blast. They told me all they did with him and were laughing at all the funny things he said etc. They said when they did prayers with him he wanted to pray for "Nana", "Dada", and "Joel". So cute! I am so encouraged that he's doing so much better with babysitters and really having so much fun playing with them! It really eases my mind.

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