Wednesday, August 12, 2009


I took Eli to the mall play place today and met Tanya (her husband Chris was Brandon's roommate for a few years before we got married) with her two boys Seth and Jesse there. I'd like to invite other homemakers to meet there once a week in the morning to let the kids play. It's a fun little area. Eli and Seth had a lot of fun. Jesse (6 months old) flirted with me like crazy while we chased the boys. At one point, Eli tried to touch Seth's hair but he kind of hit him in the process. I told Eli, "You need to tell Seth you're sorry." It was so cute; Seth says, "Yeah Eli, you better tell me you're sorry." I had to work hard not to crack up on that one. Actually, I'm usually having to bite my lip to keep from laughing whenever I'm around Seth. He's such a character. Seth is a year older and Jesse is exactly a year younger than Eli. Seth found a new use for Tanya's nursing cover...a cape. He wore it the whole way out of the mall. It was so cute! I've been combating Eli's teething canine crankiness with lots of outings. It is keeping me sane. He's completely over his cold at least. Without Brandon I probably would have gone insane!

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