Friday, January 30, 2009

The other day when we were at Babies R Us stocking up on supplies, Brandon let Eli loose in the toy section to play with everything. Guess what the two things he picked out were? "My Daddy and I" book....his favorite at home, and this big ball that is his favorite at home. Brandon also showed him this ridiculously expensive Elmo just to see what he'd do and he loved it, then he hit it. We picked out a doll for a birthday party we're going to and Eli immediately kissed it. Actually, I can't keep him from kissing the "baby" or trying to steal its bottle or ducky so I wrapped it. He just loves babies! I was laughing my head off inside when I overheard this little girl, who was riding around on this pink tricycle, ask if she could have it. When the mom responded that she already had one at Grandma's house the little girl whined in despair, "But this one matches my clothes!" The difference between boys and girls :-)

Breaking news yesterday was that Cessna had decided they needed to lay off 4600 people. It was a bit shocking, but Brandon wasn't escorted out so we're taking that as a good sign. They are talking about furloughs starting in March. We'll see what happens. Everything is just starting to get crazy. Our best friends all work at Cessna, so we're all worried for each other. Cessna has always been a lot more stable than the rest of the airplane companies (Boeing is laying off 10,000 people), so we've been thankful for that over the years! I take back every bad thought I had when Brandon told me they weren't giving out "cost of living" raises in March. I'm just glad he has a JOB! I keep thinking about how stressed I would have been if this had all happened last 9 months pregnant. I'm thankful the economy held off one more year for me :-)

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