Friday, June 4, 2010

One Month!

Cora is one month old today. I can't believe it! What a bundle of joy she is (and I mean bundle...this girl has rolls). My mom was saying how she looks like a three month old she's so filled out and wiggly. She is super ackward to hold, it makes it difficult to hold her and do other things because she constantly is throwing her head back and wiggling. She is smiling and cooing more and more. It's a nice reward for all the time and energy I put in. We have had a rough week around here. Eli is going through a hitting/fit/screaming phase. It's called the terrible twos...and it SUCKS! Part of it is molar pain I think because he does tell me his teeth are hurting, but I'm afraid it's just something we have to suffer through for another year or so. He's hitting all of us...even Cora now. He goes in time out when he does. It's mainly out of frustration because he still isn't talking very well and can't tell us what he wants all the time. I'm SUPER frustrated that he's still not talking in sentences. It causes a lot of fits. I'm really praying that he'll start talking better. He did start saying a few more things this week like "bee", "green", and "ho ho ho" and did say "Nana boo boo", but that is about the longest sentence he'll say. Lord give me patience!
We decided to go to Nevada this summer to see my grandparents and other family and stay up at my grandparent's cabin at Lake Tahoe. This was a summer tradition for my family every summer, so I'm thrilled to introduce Eli to the most beautiful place on earth. I can't wait to show off Cora to my family as well! My parents and brother are going to, so it should be a lot of fun! I'm already making lists and planning for a great trip and spending our days on the beach!

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