Friday, August 27, 2010


I'm married right? I have to say I've prided myself in always staying really connected to Brandon despite kids etc. We've always maintained a great relationship. We've been able to spend quality time together once the kids have gone to bed. It's one of the main reasons I am a stickler when it comes to early bedtimes. We always have Eli in bed at 7:30 or 8. That doesn't mean he actually falls asleep right away, but at least he's reading or talking to himself until he does instead of demanding our constant attention. Lately Cora has fallen into a great routine and is going to bed around 7:30 or 8 herself. This should mean Brandon and I have at least an hour for together time right?! No! Cora has been up so many times in the night ever since she was sick that it is getting ridiculous. I think she is just having a hard time sleeping a longer stretch because she got so used to getting up so much when she wasn't feeling good. If I get a two hour stretch of sleep it's a miracle. Thus, I am a zombie by the evening and have been falling into bed exhausted the second I have both kids in bed. I know it's only a season. Between sickness, work, band practice for our upcoming State Fair show, worship practice, worship leading on Sundays (which is about to get even harder considering Brandon now has to lead worship at the end of 2nd service thus having him gone from 7:30 a.m. to after 2 p.m.), etc. it's just been crazy! We have missed out on our other best time together, which is the kids' nap times on the weekends the past few weekends because of things going on. Here's to carving out the time we need to stay connected. I'm up for the challenge!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Wow, I totally get what you are talking about! Andy and I are kind of in the same place too! Ruby is just starting to sleep for longer (3-4 hour) stretches again, but now she's got a cold - so we'll see if that continues!! Good luck reconnecting and way to be vigilant about your marriage! It is SO important!