Saturday, November 8, 2008

Weekend fun!

We're having a great weekend already! Last night we went out to dinner with some of my college friends that I haven't seen since my baby shower. It was refreshing for me. Today we're just finishing some things around the house we want to get done: weather sealing the windows, yard work, making mashed potatoes for Eli...etc. We all got our flu shots this week, so I'm hoping that we'll be protected. Eli only cried for a second when the shot went in and then was fine! He was tough! We rescheduled his 9 month appointment for December, so we can get the second dose of flu shot at the same time. I weighed him on our home scale and I think he's around 18 lbs. I'm probably in the best shape from lifting and chasing him. We switched him up to size 3 diapers....he's growing up! I started giving him vitamins for the vitamin D, since he won't be outside to get some sun this Winter...he loves them. He just discovered today that it is fun to crawl around his crib, so the second we lay him down for his nap he rolls over and throws the pacifier behind the crib and crawls around thinking he's done something amazing and naughty. He gets this big smile when we go in there. I thought maybe he would just sleep on his stomach, but it didn't happen. Finally he got so tired when I rolled him back over he went to sleep. Things could get interesting! I'm reading the parenting book "Parenting with Love and Logic". I LOVE IT!!! I'm already trying to practice in the way I talk. All of our friends that use this philosophy have had great success in every area (it's Christian based). A couple friends and I are looking into getting the dvds and watching them together. I'll explain more about it later.

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