Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Strep throat!

I am SO glad that I took Eli to the doctor on Monday. Brandon and I were pretty worried about him. I've never seen him so miserable. Since Saturday night he'd had fever and chills and looked terrible. The only thing that kept me not totally freaking out is that he was drinking a lot and eating better than expected. If we didn't keep him on Tylenol he literally would be crying/whining nonstop. Needless to say, we haven't slept very well since Saturday night (so far neither of us has gotten sick...oh please God!). The doctor was pretty positive that he had strep throat and we started him on antibiotics on Monday. He's officially not contagious anymore and is sleeping better and feeling better. Big sigh of relief! You know Eli's miserable when he didn't touch a ball or want to play Hide and Seek for two straight days! WOW! Pretty much all he felt like doing was reading books and other relaxing things. My mom came up yesterday for the broadway show The Wedding Singer and brought him a special cupcake. He was thrilled to see his Nana and get a cupcake! I so needed a night out and enjoyed every second of it. Eli was feeling well enough that he had a great time with Dad!

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