Friday, May 11, 2012

Cora's 2 yr appointment

Earlier this week Cora had her two year check-up.  I pre-warned her about what she was going to experience and she kept saying, "My no cry...Mommy hold my hand!"  Eli was very supportive and kept telling Cora that "everything would be okay."  She did surprisingly well but cried for the shot and cried the entire finger prick experience.  She was thrilled to get a snack and a book from Dr. Barker.  She kept saying, "That was nice of Dr. Barker!"  I was very relieved to get it over with.  Here are her two year stats:  33 inches (25%), 26 lbs (51%), and head 18 1/4 (50%).  The interesting part is that Eli's 2 yr stats are IDENTICAL!

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