Monday, June 11, 2012

First Day

I have to say I am very proud of Cora and Eli and how well they have adjusted to our new addition.  Eli has really stepped it up and has been an amazing big brother.  He is doing a great job sharing, taking turns, helping me get things for the two little kids and being responsible.  Today was my first day with Brandon at work and it has gone wonderfully!  I was able to get dishes, laundry, and breakfast done before Asher woke up and spent some play time with the big kids.  After he woke up, we spent time outside doing chalk, bubbles, and playing animals.  Once he was down for a nap, the kids and I did playdough, learning time, worked on scissors with both kids, dominoes, and played airplanes and other games.  Although we miss Brandon, it has been nice to get back to our normal routine and feels good to be able to do it by myself!!!     

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