Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Fake Easter

Brandon has to lead worship on Easter here in Wichita, so I've been sad at the thought of missing out on Easter at the farm like usual. We decided to have a "fake" Easter last weekend instead. It was a blast! We dyed eggs, had an egg hunt, and topped it off with our traditional egg fight. Eli's aim is incredible...he was attacking everyone. We had a going away dinner for my almost "brother" Kurt, as he is headed off to the Army soon. The kids spent their time playing in the cabin, riding the 4-wheeler, playing in the secret garden fort, swinging on the tire swing and baby swing, and walking to the pond. Rica was finding snakes constantly, and the kids were thrilled to check them out. Eli and Brandon went down to the creek and caught a few snakes and bullfrogs. We had beautiful weather the whole weekend and soaked up as much fresh farm air as possible. Everything was so green and was a great break from the city.

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