Eli took part in a bike/trike-a-thon at preschool benefiting St. Jude Hospital. Brandon was able to take his lunch break and surprise Eli at the event since I was stuck home with a grouchy girl with a cold. Eli had so much fun and rode his bike prouder than ever! He has gotten a lot better at riding his bike lately. It is perfect timing because the double stroller is getting pretty darn heavy for me with both kids in it and I need to free up some space for Asher pretty soon! I told Eli that from now on he can ride his bike when we go on walks, while I push Cora in the umbrella stroller. He was so excited! We gave it a whirl the other day and he loved it! He likes to pretend that the driveways are railroad crossings, so we do a lot of stopping :-). He is growing like a weed!
Friday, January 27, 2012
Wednesday, January 25, 2012
Cora finally has HAIR! I can put her little mullet in the back into the most adorable pigtails :-) She does not like me fixing her hair, but is very happy to look so pretty afterwards. Eli is so cute about it and will continuously tell her "Cora, your ponytails look so pretty!" Just another fun aspect of having a girl!
Tuesday, January 17, 2012
Warm Winter
I have to say...this Winter has been great. It's been exceptionally warm, which has enabled us to get outside more than ever before during these months. Whether it's trips to the park, walks, rides in the bike trailer, Eli practicing riding his bike, the sandbox, t-ball in the backyard, playing with the rabbit, etc. all of it is saving sanity! Kids were meant to be raised outdoors...of this I am sure! Shame on video games and TV for making us lazy parents and turning out lazy kids. I am itching for Spring and Summer and even more opportunities to soak up the sun and have some fun!
Wednesday, January 11, 2012
It's a BOY!
We had a great time on Monday at my 20 week sonogram! Both our parents were there and the kids, so it was a joyous and fun time. Eli was amazed at the baby moving on the screen, and when we saw it was a boy he said, "It's a BOY! I will share my trains with him!" My mom had a blue onsie, balloons, and blue ring pops for everyone. Knowing it was my last time to do this made it very special. Asher Graham Judson is our name of choice. Asher is a bible name that means "happy or blessed" and Graham means "abode". Graham is a family name on Brandon's side. I felt like a huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders after seeing a healthy baby on the screen. The test showed no defects or problems besides him being breech presentation (which was exactly how Eli was but doesn't really matter since I'm having a c-section). The kids have been kissing my stomach and saying "Night night Asher!" Eli is determined to call him "Leaf" in some way. He sometimes calls him "Asher Leaf". It's hilarious! He declared yesterday, "I REALLY REALLY wanted a BOY!" (When in reality all along he has said "girl"). I have begun the fun process of going through all of Eli's old clothes and the baby gear. I am sorting through all of Cora's clothes and putting aside the ones I want to keep, sell, and give to friends. I am really excited to be in the last half of my pregnancy!
Monday, January 2, 2012
Happy New Year...Welcome 2012!
We spent our New Years at home sick...but we made the best of it! Eli helped me make cupcakes and we celebrated with a nice meal and sparkling juice. Eli kept saying, "This is Happy New Year's day!" Although we experienced a lot of loss in our family this past year, it really has been the best year for me as far as parenting goes. Eli's been gluten free for a year and healthier than ever in that regard, he started talking, started preschool, and moved out of the terrible two's. Cora became a toddler, stopped nursing, started sleeping through the night, started walking and was fully able to play with Eli and take part in his adventures. Last summer was amazing! I loved having two older kids who could play outside, travel easier, and take part in all of the fun summer activities. I really loved 2011! I know 2012 is going to bring a lot of changes to our family, but I'm ready to take them head on! I know God will provide strength and the guidance we need to become a family of five. Happy New Year!
20 Months
My little girl is getting close to 2! Pretty soon I will have a 4 yr old, a 2 yr old, and a newborn! That blows my mind! This age that Cora is at, is by far my favorite so far. She is hilarious! She talks like a 16 year old and always has us practically dying at her cuteness. At 20 months: 1. Putting several sentences together at a time (unbelievable to us, considering Eli didn't put words together until he was 3). She has a lot of little sayings she uses frequently like "NOT YET", "You get it!", "My turn", "I want that", etc.
2. She has started throwing her food to the dog a lot or pushing it off the table when she doesn't want to eat it. She is picky compared to Eli. She doesn't like to try new things, but once she does she will eat them. It can be pretty frustrating to slave over a meal for an hour just to see it thrown on the floor!
3. She is the queen of making faces. She is constantly making the funniest/cutest faces. If she's sad she'll pucker out her lip, which is so adorable. She loves to make different faces and we love all the variety. Drama queen!
3. She is the queen of making faces. She is constantly making the funniest/cutest faces. If she's sad she'll pucker out her lip, which is so adorable. She loves to make different faces and we love all the variety. Drama queen!
4. She loves playing outside and can do the slide by herself now. She still loves the sandbox, walks, playing with Rica, and feeding grass to Carrot. She calls him "sweet baby". She wears her bike helmet around for no reason and looks like a bobble head. She can catch a ball and throw pretty well.
5. She can be SUPER clingy to me. We discovered this past week when she was sick she would not go to anyone else, even Brandon. It had to be me all night and day. It was rough. She still won't go to Sunday school on her own without me.
6. She loves compliments from Eli and will go and show him her clothes etc. and he will say, "You look VERY pretty!" They both tell each other, "I love you THIS much" and hold out their hands wide.
7. Cora loves playing doctor. She will claim to be Dr. Barker (our ped) and declare you "All better now!" after working on you.
8. She loves showers and playing with shaving cream.
9. She still loves Elmo and Veggie Tales and Brandon introduced her recently to Barney, which she loved and calls, "Barngy".
10. She loves to pray and reminds us every day at supper. She will cross her little hands and her bedtime prayers go on FOREVER. Usually I have to cut her off because she'll list every family member, cousins (espcially Jackie), Rica etc. It is so cute!
11. She is a little climber and scares us on a daily basis.
12. She still loves hide and seek and is constantly asking to play "GAMES"
13. Cora still loves barbies, dolls (which always have to be wrapped in blankets), but her favorite activity of all is playdoh. She is a playdoh addict!
14. She is wearing 18-24 month clothes or 24 month clothes. She's a growing girl!
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